Utilities > System Settings > Redirects
Use the redirect editor to create and manage URL redirections
The redirect editor in iCentric allows 301 and 302 redirects to be added both singularly and in bulk, to any website or directory existing within iCentric.
When a redirect is added, iCentric automatically returns 301 redirects to search engines and 302 redirects to browsers.
Creating redirects
To add a redirection, first select the site from the directory to the left. If no site is selected, the redirects are added to a general table, making future management less clear where many redirects exist.
To add a single redirect, select Add redirect. Add the initial URL (i.e. the URL that needs to be directed) using the full http(s) protocol. Further initial URLs can be added, where you require many URLs to be redirected to a single destination URL, by selecting the '+'
Then add the destination URL and confirm to save.
To add redirections in bulk from CSV or XLSX files, select Upload redirects and select the file that contains redirects to be added. Ensure that the CSV or XLSX file has two columns and that the columns have the headings 'InitialUrl' and 'DestinationUrl'. Without the column headings, the upload will fail. Column headings are case sensitive.
iCentric will validate the redirects to ensure that there are no duplicates or invalid URLS, before uploading.
Managing redirects
Redirects can be edited or deleted on an individual basis, via the icons in the table rows. Once changes have been made and saved, select 'Refresh redirect cache', to immediately implement the changes.
All existing redirects can be exported to CSV, via the link at the top left of the redirect table.