Advanced settings

Websites > Your Site > Edit Page > Mode > Advanced

Advanced settings allows the management of page titles and URLs.


Advanced settings contain controls to set the page title (public, meta title), the menu title (not public, displayed in CMS) and URL. There are also controls to set a Publication Date and an un-tag date.



Websites > Your Site > Edit Page > Mode > Advanced

Page title (required). This value is unique for each website or directory - duplicates will not be allowed.

Menu title (required).

URL (required). This value is unique for each website or directory - duplicates will not be allowed. The Make safe button will check the URL entered and remove any spaces or invalid characters. NB editing a page's URL will cause all links to the previous URL to return a 404 Page not found response. When editing URLs, a 301 redirection should be added through the redirect editor

Publication Date (optional) - set this date where you require a publication date to be used, i.e. for a news or blog article. The publication date will be used for display, sorting and filtering purposes.

Un-tag Date (optional) - Set this date if you have or intend to manually tag this page to another, for a fixed period of time. At the date set, the page will be un-tagged from it's parent page(s)