Create a New page

Websites > Your Site

Creates a new content page within a defined page template.

You can define as many content pages as you require for your project, though they should be unique without duplicating content within the site.

Create a Page

Websites > Your Site

  1. At the top of the content page navigation click the create new page
  2. Type will default to page
  3. Enter the page title, aim to be concise yet descriptive e.g. our services as opposed to our range of services or servicepage1
  4. Enter the menu title or click copy title. The menu title is how the page is listed in the menu. This does need to be kept as short as possible, ideally 1-2 words
  5. Enter the url or better still, click generate from title. If you enter your own url, click make url safe to let iCentric remove unusual characters or spacing that may cause problems
  6. Choose a template from the folder(s) provided
  7. Click create page to finish

The new page will be unpublished. Follow standard steps to edit, publish etc.