eCommerce > Discounts
Discounts allows the management of eCommerce discount codes.
Discount Summary
The discount summary table displays an overview of all the discounts in the system, including name, code, any date restrictions, how many used, how many remaining (if applicable) and discount status.
The three icons on the right hand side allow you to edit, see previous versions, and delete the discount outright.
Create a Discount
Click create a new discount to begin.
Basic Settings
- Enter a discount name. We recommend something short and easily identifiable.
- Enter a description. This helps you remember the purpose of the discount. For example it might coincide with a particular promotion or event. This is optional, but a handy reminder for administrators.
- Enter or generate a discount code. This must be unique for each discount. Click generate to automatically generate a code to use, or enter your own.
- Set a start date and time. If the discount is not date restricted, click clear.
- Set an end date and time. If the discount is not date restricted, click clear.
- Select at least one site that the discount code applies to. If you have multiple sites, hold down shift and click the first and the last to highlight them all.
Discount Type
Discounts can either be percentage discounts, (e.g. 20% off), or fixed amounts, (e.g. £10 off).
Pick one type or the other.
Percentage Discount
Enter the percentage up to 100 that you would like to discount.
Fixed Discount
Enter the amount without currency symbols or delimiters (e.g. £1,200.99 would be 1200.99)
There is a currency dropdown, which defaults to GBP, or your primary currency.
Discount On
Discounts can either be applied to the whole basket (e.g. 10% off your order) or a specific product (e.g. £10 off the lampshade when you use this code.)
Total Basket
Set a basket threshold.
A basket threshold is the minimum order amount before the discount can be applied (e.g. Spent £100 and get £20 off with this code). If a basket threshold is not set, then the discount can be applied to an order of any value.
Specific Product
Use the product filter to select the product(s) the discount can be applied to.
Once one or more products are selected, the product variants will appear to the right. Select the variant(s) to finish product selection. Use the filters to assist your search.
Make it free is a shortcut to create a free product discount (e.g. Enter this code to receive free scissors.) The product must be in the basket before this discount can be applied. The discount will be automatically set to 100%.
Completing a Discount
Limit total availability to allows a cap to be placed on the number of discounts of this type (e.g. first 100 customers to use the code will receive £5 off their order.) This can be left blank if there is no limit. Setting a value here will set a counter, and when the discounts remaining reaches zero, the discount will no longer be valid for customers.
Enabled allows a discount to be turned off and on very quickly. By default a new discount code is set to on.
Finally, click submit to save your new discount.
Discounts are versioned. Each time a discount is edited, a new version is created. Access Discount Versions from the discount summary screen, by clicking the icon on the right hand side of the discount.
The discount versions summary will list all versions of the discount with most recent at the top. Click the edit icon on the right hand side to edit the discount.
See setting descriptions above for help when editing discounts.