Images, documents and files

Websites > Your Site > Edit Page > Mode > Assets

Add images, documents and other files to web pages


Images, documents, video and other file types can be added to web pages from the asset library. When in asset mode, the asset picker is displayed, with assets being separated with three tabs;

  1. Images - Files with recognised image file extentions e.g. jpg, png, gif, bmp etc
  2. Files - All other file types for documents, design files, video, audio, executable programs.
  3. Slideshows - Existing slideshows that can be re-used

Clicking on any folder in the asset picker, drills into it's contents. Also, the search field can be used to locate the required asset or folder. Once the required asset has been located, it can be dragged into an editable area.

Assets that are already on the page, are displayed at the top of the asset picker and have an orange underline. Assets shown in the asset picker, with a green background, indicate that they are in the same culture (language) as the page.

Downloads of images, documents or other files including audio and video plays, are tracked for each page in Asset Downloads report.

You tube videos an also be added through the YouTube embed tool.

Uploading new assets

Where assets required for use do not currently reside in the asset library, there is a facility to upload new ones. Assets will be uploaded to the currently selected folder and will require any mandatory fields as defined in the asset configuration settings

Slideshows can be created and edited in the  slideshow editor

Adding assets to pages

Websites > Your Site > Edit Page > Mode > Assets

Locate the required asset and drag it into any editable area. By default, images and slideshows will display at the full width of the editable area.


Editing assets

Changes to the data associated with assets, can be made by clicking the gear icon, in the top right of the thumbnails in the asset picker.

Otherwise, for any asset that is on a page, right click the asset and then select properties, to open the property dialogue box.

Properties that can be set for images are;

  • URL - this is the relative URL of the asset in the iCentric asset library.
  • Alternative text - also know as 'alt text'. The asset can have alt text added or edited for any specific instance in use.
  • Width - display width as percentage for responsive width or numeric value for fixed width, e.g. 50% or 250 (pixels)
  • Height - display height as width
  • Border - numeric value representing border width in pixels
  • HSpace - numeric value representing padding to the left, in pixels
  • VSpace - numeric value representing padding above, in pixels
  • Alignment - aligns asset either left or right of the editable area
  • Link - add a URL link to another document or page
  • Target - Used in conjunction with Link property, determines whether link should open in new tab or window

Other asset types, such as videos and slideshows have fewer properties.

N.B. Setting actual dimensions in pixels is not advisable, as it prevents images or slideshows from scaling down on responsive webpages.

Removing assets

Any asset can be removed from a page by first clicking on the asset to select it and then pressing the delete key.