Utilities > System Settings > Lookups
Manages sets of fixed options, used in eCommerce outside of Form Builder.
The lookups stores lists of fixed options, so that they can be edited. E.g. product attribute of colour will have lookups for white, black, red, blue.
The number and use of a lookup may vary between project application.
- Search for a Lookup Group
- Edit Existing Lookup Option
- Add Lookup Option to Existing Group
- Remove Lookup Option from Existing Group
- Clone a Lookup Group
Search for a Lookup Group
Utilities > System Settings > Lookups
Lookups are listed on the left hand side, with 2 columns:
- Culture - the language the lookup applies to
- Code - the identifying name of the lookup
Locate a lookup group using any of the following methods:
- searching with the left hand search field
- paging through results below
- or by using filters for culture and code.
Click on a lookup group in the left hand table to view the available lookups in the right hand table.
Edit Existing Lookup Option
Utilities > System Settings > Lookups
Follow the steps to search for a lookup group.
- Click on a lookup group in the left hand table to view the available lookups in the right hand table.
- Click the edit icon at the end of the row to edit an existing lookup.
- Amend the text field
- Click confirm
Add Lookup Option to Existing Group
Utilities > System Settings > Lookups
Follow the steps to search for a lookup group.
- Click on a lookup group in the left hand table to view the available lookups in the right hand table.
- Click Add Lookup to add a new lookup option
- Populate text field
- Click confirm
Remove Lookup Option from Existing Group
Utilities > System Settings > Lookups
Follow the steps to search for a lookup group.
- Click on a lookup group in the left hand table to view the available lookups in the right hand table.
- Click the edit icon at the end of the row to edit an existing lookup.
- Change enabled to off
- Click confirm
Clone a Lookup Group
Utilities > System Settings > Lookups
If your project supports 2 or more cultures/languages it will be possible to clone a lookup group to populate the culture-specific entries.
Follow the steps to search for a lookup group.
- Click on a lookup group in the left hand table to view the available lookups in the right hand table.
- Click the clone icon in the left hand table at the end of the row