
Websites > Your Site

Organises content pages.

Placeholders can be used to construct dropdown menus on the front end of a website (where templates permit) and to organise pages within the iCentric console.

  1. Standard Placeholders
  2. Create a Placeholder
  3. Publish Placeholder
  4. Rename Placeholder
  5. Disable Placeholder

Standard Placeholders

A standard project comes equipped with some standard placeholders, though their exact purpose and status will be custom to your individual project. Standard placeholders include:

  • Top row menu - often used for the main navigation of the site
  • Footer menu - often used to place links in the footer of your site

Projects may also have secondary menus and placeholders to store pages restricted to logged in audiences.

Create a Placeholder

Websites > Your Site

  1. Click the Create New Page icon above the content page navigation
  2. Choose placeholder from the three types of page
  3. Enter placeholder menu title. Depending on the placeholder type, this may be visible on the front-end of your website. Keep it short, one or two words.
  4. Choose placeholder type:
    1. Menu Child Item Folder - adds a menu item which triggers a submenu when clicked
    2. Menu Category Search - not in use
    3. Placeholder Folder  - organises content pages within iCentric, does not change front end
  5. Click submit to save

Publish Placeholder

Websites > Your Site

  1. Click view all pages spyglass above the content page navigation
  2. Click publish button on the end of the row
  3. Click submit to publish the placeholder immediately, or use the time and date settings to schedule
  4. Click and drag to organise. Click save at the top of the content page navigation to save the order

Rename Placeholder

Websites > Your Site

  1. In the content page navigation, click on the placeholder you wish to rename
  2. Click the edit button against the currently published version of the placeholder
  3. Edit the menu title of the placeholder
  4. Click save placeholder
  5. Follow steps to publish placeholder

Disable Placeholder

Websites > Your Site

  1. In the content page navigation, click on the placeholder you wish to disable
  2. Click the disable button against the currently published version of the placeholder
  3. Click confirm to immediately disable the placeholder, or add a date to schedule