Slideshow & Image Gallery

Websites > Your Site > Edit Page > Asset Mode > Slideshow

Create, edit, apply and remove slideshows


iCentric allows slideshows and image galleries to be created in page edit mode and applied to web pages. Once created, any slideshow can be applied to any web page as either a slideshow or a gallery. Slideshows are versioned in the same way as web pages and this enables any previous version to be restored and used.

Additional features include adding up to five lines of text overlay on each slide and adding links to each slide.

  1. Creating slideshows and galleries
  2. Adding slideshows and galleries to pages
  3. Removing slideshows and galleries from pages
  4. Editing slideshows and galleries


Creating slideshows and galleries

Websites > Your Site > Edit Page > Asset Mode > Slideshow > Create

On the create slideshow page, add a name for the slideshow in the name field. The use the asset picker to select an image. When an image is clicked, the first slide is created. The following fields are displayed for the slide;

Use default Alt Text - Checkbox - Checked by default. If this is unchecked, the image's default alt text will be overridden on this slideshow, by any text added in the alt text field

Add link - Checkbox - Unchecked by default. If this is checked, a URL can be added in the link field. Use relative URLs if the link is to a page or document within the website. Otherwise, use the full URL including http(s) protocol.

Text fields - Add up to five lines of text to be overlayed on the slide.

Colour - Text styles are set in the page CSS, but the colour of the background can be set using the colour picker, allowing a contrast to be established according to the slide colour. The colour selected is applied to all lines in use.

Further slides can be added by repeating the process. Slides can be ordered by dragging each slide into the required position, with the leftmost slide being the first in the order of any slideshow or gallery. Any unwanted slides can be removed by clicking 'X' in the top right corner of each slide.

Once all slides have been added, click save to return to the page editor.


Applying slideshows and galleries

Websites > Your Site > Edit Page > Asset Mode > Slideshow

In asset mode on the page editor, select slideshows and select the slideshow to be applied.

Set the Type dropdown selector to Default - Slideshow or Gallery - Image gallery with main image above thumbnail carousel.

Drag the slideshow onto any editable area of the page. The slideshow or gallery will occupy the full width of the editable area, unless placed within a table.

To apply to page templates with predesignated slideshow areas, first click the icon in the center of the designated area. The area will change colour from blue to yellow. Then click the required slideshow to apply it to the slideshow area.

Hint - Where an editable area is the full width of the page, when dragging a slideshow on to it, the optimum point to anchor the slideshow is in the top left corner of the editable area.


Removing slideshows and galleries

Websites > Your Site > Edit Page

Slideshows and galleries can be removed from any editable area by first clicking on the slideshow and then clicking delete.

Where slideshows have been added to designated slideshow areas, first set the mode selector to Assets > Slideshow. Then click on the slideshow and then click the remove button.


Editing slideshows and galleries

Websites > Your Site > Edit Page > Asset Mode > Slideshow

Click the settings icon in the top right corner of the slideshow you wish to edit.

On the slideshow version page, select the version you wish to edit and click the edit icon. The current version is topmost on the list.

Make any required changes to the version in the same way as creating slideshows and save.

Any changes made to the slideshow will be reflected in all instances where the slideshow is in use.