User Management
In this section you will learn how to create new users and edit existing users who will have access to the CMS tool and the content of any sections and pages.
In addition to the creation and editing of a single user, the system has been designed to assist in the management of multiple users. Such features include setting their access and permission levels by using roles, advanced scheduling to activate or deactivate a user and searching and filtering to identify any user or group of users that need to be viewed or edited or contacted.
- From the dashboard, select the users section.
- Select the users tab.
- Select the create new user button
- Enter user name (mandatory - must be unique, but can be their email address)
- Enter employee ID number or reference (optional)
- Enter the user’s email address (mandatory)
- Enter user’s first name and last name
- Select the role from the drop down list
- Enter the user’s telephone number (optional).
- Select activate from the scheduler options and select the date which it should become active.
- If the activation is to be indefinite, leave the deactivate date range blank.
- Alternatively, add a date at which the user should be deactivated.
- Press confirm, to save the new user and return to the user list.
- From the dashboard, select the users section.
- Select the users tab.
- Select the edit button for the selected user
- Edit user name (must be unique)
- Edit employee ID number or reference
- Edit user’s first name and last name
- Edit the role selection from the drop down list
- Edit the user’s email address and telephone number.
- Select deactivate from the scheduler options and select the date which it should become inactive.
- If the deactivation is to be indefinite, leave the activate date range blank.
- Alternatively, add a date at which the user should be activated.
- Press confirm, to save the changes and return to the user list.
- From the dashboard, select the users section.
- Select the users tab.
- Select the details button for selected user.
A page will open, showing user details including the last date & time they logged into iCentric and the last page that they edited with the date and time of that edit.
Managing the user list
- From the dashboard, select the users section.
- Select the users tab.
- To search for an individual user, simply type the username, or user’s first name or last name or both separated by a space, into the search box. The list will filter as you type to show matching results.
- Additionally, the column filters can be used to filter users by role and / or if accounts are active or not.
- Searches can be carried out on filtered results and sorting A-Z or Z-A can be added on any column of results.
- The users shown in the table, either filtered or unfiltered, can be emailed directly by pressing the email users button in the table header.
- This will open an email compose light box, with the recipient list pre-populated, although it can be edited.
- The sender is pre-populated and not editable.
- Other available fields are the subject, cc recipients and the message body. A basic format editor is available and attachments can also be added using the attach file button, which opens a standard file browser and up-loader.