
Websites > New subsite

Create new websites and directories.

New websites or directories can be created from the Websites > New subsite option in the main menu.

A website differs from a directory, only in so far as it will have its own domain name, whereas a directory will be a subsite of the global or default site, set up in your iCentric project.

  1. Create a Subsite
  2. Edit a Subsite

Create a Subsite

Websites > New subsite

On the Create Subsite page, there are the following fields;

Display Name - This is the name displayed within the website menu and is not public.

Generate Directory - This button will append the Display Name into the Directory Name field.

Directory Name - This field is the public name for your directory and will be displayed as e.g.

Make Directory Safe - This button will check the directory name and remove spaces and any characters not permitted in URLs.

Domain - This field can only be completed if the Directory Name field is empty and is used to add the domain name of a new website e.g.

Description - This is an optional field, in which an overview of the website can be added. This field is not public.

From email address - This is an optional field which allows each site or directory to have unique email sender addresses for system emails.

Upload image - This is an optional image that can be uploaded for display on the tiled view of the website list.

Favicon - A favicon can be added for each site, using the asset library explorer.

Once saved, the website or directory will be active and pages can be added


Edit a Subsite

A website or directory can be edited via the settings icon on the website's tab in the menu