Email campaigns
E-mails > Campaigns
Create, send and manage email campaigns.
Email campaigns can be created and sent from iCentric. In the first instance, please ensure that you have read and accepted the terms of use.
A campaign requires an email template, static and dynamic content for the email, and a list of recipients for the email, also known as a subscriber list.
Once the email is ready, the send-out can be scheduled for a future date and time. The results of the send-out can be viewed; every email sent returns resulting actions of when it was opened, whether it bounced, whether the unsubscribe link was clicked or the email was marked as spam. Also, any links clicked, from within the email are tracked.
Creating an email campaign
On the Create campaign screen, add a title (name of campaign), a subject (email subject), a from name (sender name) and a reply to (email address) and select an email template to be used.
Click the edit icon to access the version history for the email. Select the version you wish to edit.
In edit view, the mode selector at the top right has five options;
- Text – add, edit or delete text and use any of the features in the editor ribbon.
- Assets – add images or documents from the asset library
- Details – Mandatory requirements for the email ‘Subject’, ‘From name’ and ‘Reply to’. These will all be displayed on the email. Also, mandatory requirement for ‘Plain text’. The body text of the email should be pasted into this box, to enable email display in clients that can only render plain text.
- Elements – Drag and drop elements include links for unsubscribing or viewing in browser and merged fields. When dragged on to an email in edit mode, a merged field will be displayed as <code>*[fullname,fallback=Customer]*</code> In this instance, fullname represents the combination of first and last name for each record in the subscriber list. Where no record exists, a fallback can be added:
Example use of a merged field with fallback;
Dear <code>*[fullname,fallback=Customer]*</code>
5. Preview – Selecting preview will force a save and switch to preview mode. Where mandatory requirements for ‘Details’ have not been added, a validation message will display asking for these fields to be completed.
In text or asset mode, the editor ribbon at the top of the page will be visible and will enable further content editing.
As email templates are constructed from sets of tables, clicking into any area of the email will allow a ‘right click’ function to be carried out, giving access to table, row, column and cell attributes.
For advanced users, editing can be carried out via the HTML editor icon‘</>’ located on the right of the editor ribbon.
Sending emails
When a campaign is ready to send, click the send icon to access the send-out scheduler.
If you wish to test the email, you can enter a single email address. When sending a test email, the unsubscribe and view in browser links will be disabled.
Otherwise, select which site you are sending the campaign from, select one or more of the subscriber lists and set the scheduler to the desired send-out date and time.
Viewing results
Sent campaigns have a graph icon against them. By selecting this, you can view the results of you campaign, broken down into percentages of emails opened, bounced, marked as spam, clicked and unsubscribed against the total sent.
The table beneath the graph shows all of the email addresses associated with the resulting actions. All of the results can be exported to CSV