Form Builder

Utilities > Form Builder

Form builder allows the creation of online forms.

Form Builder Summary

The form builder summary table displays an overview of all the forms in the system. Forms are constructed with fields and field groups.

Above the summary table, use the tabs to access field groups (groups of questions) and default fields (questions).

The Form Builder allows forms to be created in 1, 2 or 3 column layout. Where 2 or 3 columns have been selected, the form will still be displayed as a single column form, where the display width of the web page that the form is used on, is less than 700 pixels.

Default Fields

These are the individual questions, which are saved into a library. Try to only enter a question once, even if it is used on multiple forms, as this makes maintenance a lot easier for you if you ever have to change the wording or detail.

Create a New Field

In Utilities > Form Builder > Default Fields click Create New Field

Choose a question type. If you change your mind click Change Type to return to this screen.

The types are detailed below:

Field Types
  • Text Field
    simple text input, best for one or two word answers, e.g. first name. 
  • Text Area
    multiple line text input, but for short messages, e.g. comments.
  • Multiple Select Dropdown
    select one or more items from a list, e.g. pizza toppings: ham + pineapple.
  • Confirmation Checkbox
    simple one line checkbox e.g. tick here to agree to our terms and conditions
  • Radio Button List
    select one option only from a list e.g. pizza size: small, medium or large. Can be displayed horizontally or vertically.
  • Date
    enter or pick a date using a calendar e.g. 05/08/2015 01:30
  • Check Box List
    select one or more items from a list using checkboxes, e.g. pizza toppings: ham + pineapple. Can be displayed horizontally or vertically.
  • Email
    enter an email in a simple text input. Simple validation to check the input looks like an email, e.g.
  • Numeric
    simple text input that only accepts numeric characters e.g. 123
  • Single Select Dropdown
    select one option only from a list presented in a dropdown e.g. pizza size: small, medium or large.
  • Separator
    use this to split your form into sections with a heading e.g. Your Details
  • Email with Autoresponse
    enter an email in a simple text input. Simple validation to check the input looks like an email e.g. Will send an autoresponder to this email on successful form submission. This field must be used if you want to check the Auto Response box at the top of the form editor.
  • Fieldset Open & Fieldset Close
    Place these before and after a group of fields to enclose them in a border. Note: The bordering cannot span columns – where a form is designed as single column, there are no limitations. However, in 2 or 3 column forms, an open & close field set must be applied to each column. In these instances, the border will then be removed when responding to a single column.
  • Captcha
    Add a Captcha to a form. A Captcha is an anti-spam method that requires a user to identify a code displayed in an image
  • File Upload
    Ask users to upload a file. e.g. Submit your CV here.
  • Paragraph
    Enter a paragraph to explain a part of the form. Best teamed with separators to break up long forms.
  • Slider
    creates a rating scale with a drag and drop slider e.g. rate your service 1-5.
  • Download
    Attach an asset from the asset library as a downloadable item within the form e.g. view a sample
  • User Register Fields
    Adds email address, password and repeat password fields to the form. Use the Select role dropdown to set a user role that the user will have. The user is automatically created on form submission.

For each field there are some additional options which include:

  • Required
    If an answer to this question is required before a user can submit the form. Leaving it unchecked means that the form can be submitted without an answer to the question.
  • Show in Report
    This controls whether the user’s input for the question will be shown in the details displayed from table view. (note – Only 3 fields can be selected for any single form, although, all fields are visible in details view and when exporting to CSV)

Some fields with multiple answers support correct answer validation:

  • Not Failed Option
    No difference either way to final result
  • Failed if NOT Selected
    If the user doesn’t pick this answer, they have failed – if the user must answer the question with this answer then use this.
  • Failed if Selected
    if the user picks this answer they have failed. Use for incorrect or ineligible answers

Pre-populate a field with one of several possible answers by clicking the checkbox beside the answer. We would strongly advise against using this for acceptance of terms etc. where website users should consciously accept such items.

Field Groups

In Utilities > Form Builder > Field Groups

These are sets or groups of questions. It is useful to create a set of questions if you commonly use the same set in forms. For example, typical contact details may comprise First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Tel No etc.

Once a field group is created with these fields it can be added to any form with one click.

Create a New Group

  1. Against Add New Group, enter the name of the new group e.g. Standard Contact Details
  2. Click Add. Your new group will appear in 1. Select Group.
  3. In 2. Manage Fields, pick from existing fields (questions) by clicking on their names. A tick icon will appear against them, the field name will appear above in the input box and also in 3. Selected Fields.
  4. Use the filter under 2. Manage Fields to search for a particular field if you know the name.
  5. To remove a field, click the x beside the field name under 2. Manage Fields.
  6. When you have added your fields, drag and drop them in 3. Selected Fields to set the default order of the fields.
  7. Your changes are automatically saved, there is no save button.

Edit an Existing Group

Once you have created a group it will appear under 1. Select Group. Click on the group you wish to edit and the fields will appear in 2. Manage Fields and 3. Selected Fields.

Add, remove fields in 2. Manage Fields and reorder in 3. Selected Fields. Your changes are automatically saved.

Delete a Group

To delete a group, click the X on the right hand side of the group under 1. Select Group. A pop-up message will ask you to confirm. 


In Utilities > Form Builder > Forms

These are the finished forms complete with questions that can be placed onto a page. A form consists of 1 or more fields (questions), or a field group (group of questions), or combinations of both.

Create a New Form

  1. Click New button at the bottom right of the summary table.
  2. In Form Name, enter a logical name for your form e.g. New Product Registration
  3. In Recipients, select the mail centre lists you would like to send form submissions to. Leave blank if you do not need that functionality.
  4. Check send an auto response if you would like this form to automatically send a standard email response to any user who submits the form. Be sure to use Email with Autoresponse field to collect the relevant email in your form.
  5. Populate 2. Form Fields by either:
    • Add new field - to create a field not already held in the library
    • Add field from library - to pick a field from the library
    • Add list of fields - to pick a field group
  6. Arrange fields in 1 to 3 columns by dragging and dropping fields.
  7. Click the Preview button to preview the form in a new window
  8. Set tab order for each field. This is the order that the fields will be presented on mobile and also the order that a user can tab through the fields using the keyboard. It should be in the most logical sequence to enter the information.
  9. In 3. Form Feedback set either:
    • In Confirmation Message, enter the confirmation message to show once the form is successfully submitted.
    • Click set confirmation as separate page if the form should finish on a particular page of the site, for instance if you are using conversion tracking. Select the site, then a language, and finally the page to use.
  10. Add a comment and click submit to save the version.

Edit an Existing Form (Form Versions)

Once a form is created, it can be edited at any time in Utilities > Form Builder > Forms.

  1. Click the edit icon on the right hand side of the row for the form you wish to edit.
  2. This will the version table for the form. Click the edit icon again for the version you wish to edit.
  3. Edit the form as you need.
  4. Click the Preview button to preview the form in a new window
  5. Enter a comment and click submit to create a new version of the form.

Add Form to Page